Keystone Montessori School is an independent school for students ages 3 months through grade 6, offering a supportive, peaceful and challenging academic program based on the Montessori philosophy of educating the whole child. Montessori, a research-based, child-centered educational philosophy, has endured and thrived more than 100 years worldwide. Montessori education was founded by Italian physician Dr. Maria Montessori, who pioneered and championed concepts such as multi-age groupings, hands-on learning, and child-responsive learning environments.
Beginners' Program
Neuroscience has validated the Montessori method to support your child’s most critical learning stages, from birth to 5 years of age. During her observations, Maria Montessori noted that even the youngest of children have the ability to absorb language and revel in sensory experiences, and find their places within their learning environments.
Children’s House (2.9-6 year olds)
It’s at this stage that Children's House students have become aware of others, and they possess the innate desire to mimic the behaviors of people around them. Because of this, they are eager to drive their own learning and primed to focus on the lessons presented to them, copying them with great pleasure.
Lower Elementary (6-9 year olds)
Children who enter Lower Elementary (Grades 1-3), beginning in the second plane of development, can usually be characterized by maturing abilities of reason, growing comprehension of abstract concepts, imagination and passion for hands-on exploratory research.
Upper Elementary (9-12 year olds)
Developmentally, physically and emotionally, Upper Elementary students (ages 9-12) are transitioning into adolescence. Our program is characterized by an emphasis on self-directed inquiry on the part of the child, immersion in a 'prepared environment' by the teacher as a springboard for learning, and the use of self-correcting materials that introduce complex and abstract concepts concretely.
Summer Program
The Keystone Montessori School summer program is an extension of Keystone’s standard academic year. We offer care for our infants through Children’s House students. Students who attended the CH program during the school year are eligible to attend the CH summer program.
Extended Care
Keystone Montessori School strives to support the needs of all our families, so we offer extended care before and after school hours.
Our Programs
Keystone Montessori School
Keystone Montessori School